Sunday, August 15, 2010

17. More roof, and other infrastructure

Work has been proceeding on the roof, with a couple of days lost to rain. We had almost 100mm in 24 hours! This is supposed to be the dry season, but is has been a very wet winter so far. If the water-tanks had been connected we would have filled two of them in one day. The tanks have been moved into position and are waiting for the roof, gutters and downpipes before we can collect any water.
Collection tanks at rear of house

The rafters for the remaining roof areas have now been installed and we are expecting the roofing company to begin work this week. They will be installing the fascias, roof battens, insulation and steel sheeting.  With any luck the roof will be complete in a couple of weeks.
Roof over the outdoor dining taking shape
Roof over the entry area and pond under construction
View of house from the hill behind
Additionally,the Biolytix on-site sewerage was installed last week. This is basically a large worm-farm that processes all our waste water and dispenses the clean water into sub-surface irrigation. 

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