Saturday, November 6, 2010

28. We have a date

Saturday, 27th November is 'Moving In Day'. It will not be 100% complete, but sufficient for us to move in!

The ceiling in the main living area is finished, and the timber floor is well under way.

The carpenter has started work on the boardwalk over the pond to the front door.

The painters have continued painting, the waterproofer has started applying the membrane to the wet areas, and Adam (the builder) has been cleaning up!

Next week will see even more activity, with tilers and electricians, as well as the cabinetry being delivered and installed. Painting and timber floor will continue, so we will have to get there early to get a parking spot!

We have also been busy, installing veggie beds, planting fruit trees and building a pump-house.  Pictures of these to come in the next post!

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